Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Saturday, December 8, 2007



Attention getter: Since the beginning of human existence, trees have played a vital role in our lives.

Supplying us with oxygen and food, trees are very necessary. Over time, we have engineered trees to create shelter, supplies, and other gratifying needs. Trees are extremely abundant and can be seen throughout the United States. You probably can’t pass through a town without seeing at least one tree, especially in Indiana. Well, that can be a very good thing, but can also cause some discomfort. Towns still need to find a way stay on top of town maintenance, such as picking up leaves and trimming these precious trees. Towns need to trim trees because they can’t get their trucks up and down the street. Certain towns in Indiana don’t have quite as much money as other towns or cities do, so they are having trouble affording the proper equipment to trim trees. Let me explain. The reassessments of property tax have left some town struggling with their finances. Some towns have no money right now because of this. According to a letter that was sent to the United States Congress and written by The Board of Commissioners of Lake County, “Over the years, the eleven townships in Lake County [Indiana] were assessed in such an inconsistent manner that the discrepancies in assessing were so obvious that everyone knew of the tremendous differences.” What this means is that since property taxes were so inconsistent, that a reassessment process is being conducted. There are now towns that are loosing money over this because property owners do not know how much they own in property taxes; so they simply aren’t paying. Because of this, the government is getting their money late due to the reassessments. Until this financial problem can be solved, the proposed process to trim this county’s trees is to call in the National Guard. You ask, why National Guard? Well towns will need to use their technology; more specifically, their helicopters.

Preview: I will be discussing this new technique by sharing two concepts. First, I will discuss the efficiency of using such machines to trim trees. Second, I will discuss this methods effectiveness.


Transition: The disadvantages of using older methods for trimming towns trees include the time it takes to complete this task, especially if needs to be done throughout an entire street.

I. The advantages of using of a new process will reduce the time it takes to do such a tedious such as trimming trees. Let’s take a look at why this is the case.
A. The time to setup and breakdown times at each cutting location would be eliminated.
1. The time need to set up the ‘tool’ would only be as long as it takes to get the helicopter to the desired location.
2. A specially designed net would need to be laid down under the area in where the cutting is taking place.
3. This net would later be folded up and attached to the helicopter to transport the wood back to the shop.
4. The air pressure from the helicopter blades would blow away any tiny woodchips that remained in the road.
B. The operating time would be reduced.
1. The time needed to make a cut would only take the time needed for the helicopter to fly through the ‘cut zone’.
2. Overall, there would be shorter cutting process because the cutting area would increase to the length of the helicopter blades; instead of one branch at a time.
3. So now the cuts can reach a length of 39 feet.
4. You think that is too wide an area? Farhan Gandhi, a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Pennsylvania State University has engineered a Length-Morphing Rotor to allow helicopter blades to expand and retract at different rpm’s.

Transition: Now that we’ve covered the efficiency, let’s touch base on this methods effectiveness.

II. The new proposed process for trimming trees allows for more effective work for the worker and project.
A. The power of a helicopter adds more power to allow for an easier cut.
1. According to the United States Coast Guard, this aircraft harnesses the power of two engines to rotate the four blades.
2. This is done through Lycoming LTS-101-750B-2 Gas Turbines.
B. Laborers will no longer have to worry about injury on the job while trimming trees.
1. There is no need to bend your body at difficult angels while holding a heavy chainsaw.

Review Statement: So, in this speech, I have told you about how the reassessments on property tax are causing confusion on how much property owners need to pay. This has misled some owners enough to withhold payments because they are not sure how much they owe. This is leaving towns in a sticky, financial situation. Now towns are struggling with not being able to fully keep up good town maintenance. Solving this problem by using the US Coast Guards helicopters is both efficient and effective.

Memorable closing: Just think how much happier town employees and citizens will be one this is implemented.


United States. The Boards of Commissioners of the County of Lake: To the United States Congress. Statement of the President of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake. 1 Feb. 2002. 1 Dec. 2007 http://www.lakecountyin.com/news/index.html.

SavaTree. “Why are Trees Important?” savatree.com 2007. 1 Dec. 2007. http://www.savatree.com/whytrees.html.

United States Coast Guard. “Aircraft and Cutters: HH-65C "Dolphin" Short Range Recovery Helicopter.” uscg.mil 1 Oct. 2007. 1 Dec. 2007. http://www.uscg.mil/datasheet/hh-65.asp.

Wikipedia. “Gas turbine.” Wikipedia.org 1 Dec. 2007. 1 Dec. 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_turbine.

Wikipedia. “HH-65 Dolphin.” Wikipedia.org 21 Nov. 2007. 1 Dec. 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HH-65_Dolphin.

Ward, Logan. “Length-Morphing Rotor Ready to Provide Helicopter Versatility.” PopularMechanics.com Nov. 2007. 1 Dec. 2007. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/industry/4224761.html.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dirty Domicile

Attention Getter: How many people in here think that there residence is messy. I know that once projects and other difficult course work piles up the appearance of my home dwindles. Maybe you do try to clean only to feel you never can keep up with the mess being made. Maybe you have that really messy roommate that no matter how hard you try to get him to clean up it never works.

Transition: Today I am going to talk about the problems of having a messy or unclean residence, the cause, and my proposed solutions in correcting this problem.

I. Problem

a. Unclean or Messy home and why it can be a problem

II. Cause

a. Not enough time in the day, especially for college students. We have class, homework, jobs, and possibly if we are lucky some time to escape all that and socialize with friends.

b. If you live with multiple people not just your responsibility to clean up the mess. Each person is responsible to help keep things clean especially if they dirty them.

c. Better things to do than clean. When we do get some free time we want to be able to relax and enjoy life, not clean.

III. Solution

a. Step One – Find a mad scientist and provide him capital to research time travelling technology.

b. Step Two – Conditioning your roommates. Application of that Psychology class you took very long ago.

c. Step Three – Install a wash cycle into your residence, it works for your clothes why not your home.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

self parking car

Persuasive speech 2

Parallel parking a car


How many of you have ever been in a large city, and the only way for you to get a parking space was to parallel park your car? I am sure the majority of you had trouble the first time around.

Preview: Well today I am going to tell you about a new car from Toyota that can park your car for you, and also offer a comfortable, refined ride.

· I want to first tell you about the process of Parallel parking and how it should be done.

· Next I want to tell you about the merits of this new system

· Finally I want to tell you about how this new system works

Acording to Wikipedia “Parallel parking is a method of parking a vehicle in line with other parked cars. Cars parked in parallel are in one line, parallel to the curb, with the front bumper of each car facing the back bumper of an adjacent one.”

· Parallel parking can be done by first pulling up to the front vehicle so that your front bumper is lined up with the front vehicle.

· Next, pull the car into reverse.

· Then after your back bumper has cleared the back of the car turn your steering wheel so that the back of your car begins to turn into the space.

· Once your back tire is close to the curb turn your wheel the opposite way, until your front bumper is inline with the car in front of you. You may need to go back and forth a couple of times if the space is smaller.

While these three steps may seem easy when read aloud they are another thing to do in the real world. So next I want to tell you about a new system that will eliminate this hassle.

Present in new the Lexus LS is a new system called “Advanced Parking Guidance System” This system allows a driver of any age, and any skill level to parallel park the car by simply throwing the car in reverse and clicking a button. So what are the advantages of this system.

· The larger size of the vehicle is no longer as big of a problem as was before since the car can park its self.

· Elderly drivers will finally be able to park their car without damage themselves or others.

· Young novice driver won’t have to learn to Parallel Park, and will also have something fun to show their friends.

· You will now enjoy better productivity, since you will now be able to park the car and talk or text on your cell phone.

So now you know the merits of this system I want to tell you how this system works.

  • The system uses a combination of sonar, laser, and video cameras.
  • When the vehicle is put into reverse the system is activated.
  • The driver is able to then size up the parking spot by moving a box representing the car, into a space show on the cars internal video screen.
  • The computer calculates the angle that the wheel must turn, and does so.
  • The driver lets off the brake and the car takes over steering. The car will get itself aligned as best as it can with the car in reverse.
  • Once the car needs to be pulled forward, the car is sufficiently in the space, so that it is easy for a human to finish the parking job.

Conclusion: So today I have told you all about a new and overly engineered way to park your car. I first told about how you can park your own car without such a system. Next I told you about the potential benefits of having such a system. After which I told you all how the system worked.

So I hope you have appreciated learning about a real world “better mouse trap” system that is currently in some automobiles today.

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