Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Modern Way to Peel an Orange

Persuasive Speech 2
A Modern Way to Peel an Orange
John Dale


Attention Getter: How many people in here like to eat oranges? How many of you like to peel the orange with your fingers? As you can see peeling an orange with fingers is not a popular task.

Preview Statement: Today I am going to talk about the problem with peeling oranges, how lasers can improve the situation and how you can purchase a laser for peeling your own oranges.

Transition: So why is peeling an orange such a hassle?


I. The combination of penetrating the layers of an orange with your fingers can be difficult and creates a mess.

A. To fully understand the problem we need to examine the different parts of an orange.

1. According to a UCLA botany website, the outside of the orange is called the exocarp and consists of the orange flavedo, which contains scented oil sacs and also the white portion called the albedo.

2. The locule is the inner portion of the orange which is initially air filled and allows the seeds to grow.

3. As the orange matures hairs extend into the locule and fill with water, organic acids and sugar which eventually causes the locule to be the juicy part of an orange.

B. What are some of the problems that the parts of an orange cause?

1. The exocarp causes your fingers to smell and can get caught underneath fingernails.

2. If you do not have fingernails then the orange can be almost impossible to peel with your hands.

3. The locule, or juicy part of the orange can squirt you in the eye if you are not careful regarding the amount of pressure you use when peeling the orange.

Transition: Now that we have discussed the problem with peeling oranges with your hands lets discuss an alternative and clean method for accomplishing this task.

II. Using a laser to peel an orange will offer a clean, precise and high tech option.

A. According to wikipedia, a Laser is an electronic optical device that produces radiation.

1. Lasers are useful because they use concentrated energy in the form of light that can be accurately aimed onto a work surface without contact. (LASER 1)

2. It works by exciting atoms contained between two mirrors with an electrical current or light which causes photons or light particles of a certain wave length to be released

B. A laser cutting device used to cut through the outer surface of an orange would have to be industrial strength.

1. According to Austin State physics professor, Vincent Harr, adding certain gasses like CO2 and an electrical current to the laser setup we discussed earlier would allow the laser to become more powerful.

2. A laser cutting machine like the one shown here could be used to cut a spiral pattern around the orange and allow you to avoid the problems associated with peeling by hand.

C. Industrial laser cutters are available from various sources.

1. Epilog Laser has a cutting machines available at prices as low as $9,000 that would include rotating assemblies to allow you to have a precise, intact, spirally peeled orange.

2. I have posted the contact information so that each of you know who to contact in order to peel an orange the clean and modern way.

Review Statement and Closing:

Review Statement: I have now told you all what the problem with peeling oranges by hand is, why lasers will solve the problems associated with peeling oranges by hand and how to purchase a laser cutter.

Closing: So next time you peel an orange, hopefully you will consider doing so with the use of a laser. Not only will your hands be cleaner but you will know that you have just peeled an orange the modern and technologically advanced way.

Works Cited
1) http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/lasers/lasers4.html

2) http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561109/Orange_(fruit).html

3) http://www.botgard.ucla.edu/html/botanytextbooks/economicbotany/Citrus/b1241tx.html

4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser

5) observe.phy.sfasu.edu/~ast305/Harr/LaserCutterTechnologySeminar.ppt

6) http://www.epiloglaser.com/laser_cutting.htm

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Persuasive Speech II

Persuasive Speech II:

Global Warming: How Do We Stop It?

By: Travis Carpenter

Attention Getter: Have you been keeping up on the current events? More importantly, the ones that could very well determine the future of you, your children, and your childrens children? There is an event rising on the horizon that needs not only your awareness, but your voice as well.

Introduction: My name is Travis Carpenter, and today I will be talking to you about Global Warming, and what we can do as individuals to secure the future for those that we love.

Preview Statement: I will first be giving you some background information on global warming. Secondly, I will tell you about the solution to global warming. Lastly, I will tell you about how you can take action on the matter!

Establish Significance: Imagine a world where we no longer have to fear losing our atmosphere, and being cooked alive by the sun, which ironically we also couldn’t live without. There is a need for something to be done before its too late!


I. Global Warming Refresher

II. The Plan of Action

III. What you can do!

Review Statement and Closing: Don’t wait any longer! The time is now! Write a letter to your congressman immediately! The technology is here, we just need to take the initiative to save our planet!

Works Cited









Monday, November 26, 2007

Persuasive Speech 1 Nick Capizzani

Apple or Microsoft?
Nick Capizzani

Topic: Mac vs. PC.
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that Macs are better than PCs
I. Introduction
A. Attention Material I’m sure everyone in here has seen the latest ad campaign Apple has released by now. Where Apple tries to point out all PC's flaws and persuade consumers to buy a Mac. While these ads are funny there is some truth behind these ads.
B. Preview: Today I am going to show you why Macs are substantially better than PCs, why PC users stay PC users, and what can be done to curve the marketplace which is proximately controlled by Microsoft.
1. Background on Apple
a. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
b. They created the company in 1976 in Cupertino, California
c. On January 10, 2006, Apple released its first Intel chip computers.

2. Features
a. Microsoft has grown into a computer giant that controls 95% of the marketplace.
I. There needs to be more Mac labs in homes, offices, and at schools.
II. Purdue there are only a few labs around campus that strictly use Macs.
III. Macs simply last longer than PCs, granted the price is more but in the long run you are saving money.
b. The Mac operating system was designed for high security, so it isn’t plagued by constant attacks from viruses and malware like PCs are
I. By the end of 2005, there were 114,000 known viruses for PCs
II. In March 2006 alone, 850 new threats were detected against Windows.
3. No other operating system, Vista included, offers the rich features and simplicity of the Mac operating system.
a. Windows Vista has such a strong resemblance to the Mac
b. Only with a Mac do you get a system built by the same people who make the OS, the applications, and the computer itself
c. A Mac has USB drivers for printers, external drives, digital cameras, input devices, iPod, and more

Transition: Now that you know why a Mac is a better choice than a PC I will explain why most PC users don’t make the switch.
C. Solutions to the problems
1. Contact our president at Purdue and tell her you would like to see more Mac labs here at Purdue
2. People don’t understand how much better it is because they haven’t taken the time to sit down and use one.

1. http://www.apple.com/dotmac/
2. John P. Adams “Why Windows Users stay with the PC”. Copyright 2006
< http://www.switchingtomac.com/wp/8-reasons-why-windows-users-stay-windows-users/>
3. Computer World <http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=macintosh_os&articleId=9023959&taxonomyId=123>

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Persuasive Speech II Outline

Persuasive Speech II:

Leasing a Brand New CAR

Attention Getter: Have you ever dreamed about being able to drive a brand new car without having to wait until you graduate? Well, if you really thing about it you can now drive a new car if you decide to take advantage of one of the many End of Year Leasing options available for students…

Introduction: Hello everyone, my name is Diego Estrada and today I will be talking about the benefits of leasing or buying a new car vs. buying a used one and how to get the money to get a new car as a college student!

Preview Statement: In this presentation we will observe the advantages to leasing a car and explore the various options open to us by leasing

Establish Significance: Think about the advantages of not having to worry about maintenance fees of a used car, and not having to worry about selling a depreciated used car and being able to drive a new car every year!

Transition to Body:

-Advantages of Leasing

-Disadvantages to Leasing

-Buying a new car

-Buying a used car


I. Why consider Leasing?

II. Why not purchase a Used?

III. How to get the money for a new car?

Review Statement and Closing:

  • Getting the money for a new car lease is a lot easier than it seems!
  • Leasing a new car is an economic advantage that gives you the benefits of a new car and getting rid of the hassles of a used car.
  • On a college student budget, leasing a car allows you to keep more cash on hand for other important expenses such as groceries, tuition, and rent

Works Cited







By Diego Estrada

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Final Exam and Persuasive II Assignment

I will be out for the NCA Convention on Friday. We will meet again as a class on Monday, November 26th to start our Persuasive II Speeches.

The last day of class is December 7th, and there are not any speeches assigned for that day. We will use that class period to wrap up, review, and answer any questions you have about your Final (so your attendance is required). We will also conduct class evaluations that day.

I have posted the Persuasion II assignment and the Final Exam on the Links list of the blog. Have a great Thanksgiving break!

Thursday, November 8, 2007



Attention getter: Since the early 1930s, American households have been putting laundry detergent to use.

According to Proctor & Gamble, in an article called “the ‘unofficial’ history of laundry”; it wasn’t until after WWII that laundry detergent became popular. Since then, this product has boomed into a successful commodity good. Also, according to a study put on by EcoQuest International, a company devoted to the technologies of healthy living, Americans spend roughly 6 billion dollars a year on laundry detergent. This is equal to 40,000 pounds. To put that into perspective, that is equal to 126,000 semis packed full of laundry detergent. In turn, this creates a byproduct of 400 billion gallons of polluted, detergent-infested water. These are really big numbers for just one product, yet they play a part in almost everyone’s lives. For those who expect to keep their clothes clean, constantly purchasing this product is a must. What if there was a way to reduce the amount of times you had to run to the store to buy new laundry detergent? What if you didn’t have to spend anymore money on laundry detergent, and still maintain cleaner clothes? What if you could save the cost of hot water while cleaning your clothes? All of this sounds extremely appealing, especially to college students. There is a way to make this happen. EcoQuest’s LaundryPure system makes room for cheaper living while still being environmentally sound.

Preview: I will be discussing this system by sharing two concepts. First, I will explain some of the health risks that this system fights. Second, I will touch on the benefits we all can take advantage of by purchasing this system. From there, I will let you know how you can play a role in implementing this system into Purdue’s campus, and show how it can affect you.


Transition: The disadvantages of using so much detergent deals with the waste of raw materials and the exposure toxins. According to The Environmental Protection Agency, in a technical fact sheet listed in May 1999, there are key area of concern and environmental issues that are caused by laundry detergents.

I. The use of the LaundryPure system prevents these risks, and provides for a cleaner and more resourceful environment. Before we get into that, let’s first take a look at what is harmful about laundry detergent.
A. Though detergent contains surfactants are readily biodegradable (meaning biodegrading at a faster than normal rate), they are toxic to marine life.
1. Such as fish and algae.
B. There are also substances called builders, which has the potential to cause eutrophication.
1. This causes water to reduce the amount oxygen it contains. This is obviously harmful to the affected environment.
C. Colorants, which should be minimized as often as possible, have been studied to cause cancer in humans.
D. In areas that contain high wash water may cause severe burns to tissue in living organisms, including humans.
E. Typically, washing loads of laundry require low temperatures and a low amount of laundry cycles; however, this is not always the case.
1. Wash cycles that require hot water used up extra energy.
2. Not to mention there is an overuse of water in this process.

Transition: Now that we’ve seen all the negative effects of detergent, it only seems reasonable to have a product that prevents these problems.

II. EcoQuest’s LaundryPure supplies a way to make these problems go away.
A. First of all, this system eliminates the use of laundry detergent.
1. How this system works is that the LaundryPure Machine uses technology designed by NASA to produce millions of oxygenated bubbles and infuse them into the laundry’s water.
2. This takes out the step of using detergents and all the harmful chemicals it contains.
3. So this technology is able to kill off bacteria with the aid of silver nano ions. According to EcoQuest, this is a proven germ killer. It also aids to provide odor protection.
B. Another thing is that LaundryPure takes away the effect of any allergic reactions caused by detergent residue that remains within the clothing.
1. Since there is no residue buildup in the clothes, this allows them to be softer and fluffier.
2. It will also increase your fabric’s life.
C. The most appealing factor about this system is the ability to save you money.
1. The LaundryPure system diminishes the need for hot water cycles; so this will help in saving money on your hot water bill.
2. Also, with no need for detergent, softener, or any other laundry related item, some savings will come of that.
3. Let’s take a look at some cost savings.


Review Statement: So, you now know the benefits EcoQuest’s LaundryPure can bring to the table. You know about the potential hazards laundry detergent can cause, and how LaundryPure can prevent those hazards. All of this not only provides for a cleaner environment, but a cheaper environment. Think back to the price savings a single family is able to have. Imagine the conveniences and saving Purdue would have with this system, for both the university and its students. It would make both lives easier.

Memorable closing:
I leave you with a quote emphasized as a motivation for this system: “Just think, if every household in the U.S. got rid of just one 100 oz. bottle of ultra petroleum-based liquid laundry detergent, we could save 220,000 barrels of oil. That’s enough to heat and cool over 11,000 U.S. homes for a year.”


Proctor & Gamble. “the ‘unofficial’ history of laundry”. Tide.com. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.tide.com/en_US/articles/read.jsp?topic=soapbox_unofficialhistory.

EcoQuest. “A better way to do laundry.” ecoquestintl.com. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.ecoquestintl.com/customers/product_guide/water/LaundryPure/LaundryPure_home.asp

“LaundryPure Cost Savings Analysis.” Chippynews.com. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.chippynews.com/LP_analysis.htm.

“ECOQUEST LaundryPure System: Household Laundry Advanced Oxidation Radiant Catalytic Ionization System.” Chippynews.com. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.chippynews.com/Tech,LaundryPureWhitePaper12-20-05.pdf

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Key Characteristics of Laundry Detergent Ingredients: EPA-744-F-99-008. May 1999. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/laundry/techfact/keychar.htm.

“LaundryPure by EcoQuest.” ajkrause.com. 1 Nov. 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Outline Persuasive Speech: Very Light Jets (VLJ's)



How many people have flown on an airliner recently (within the past few years)? Well you probably arrived two hours early at the airport before your flight to wait in line and check in, then stand and wait through security, then finally when you got to your gate, wait to board the aircraft. Well, a new technology has come along that can eliminate your wait and cut your travel time substantially, and that technology is called Very Light Jets, or VLJ’s.

Preview Statement:

Today, I’ll be speaking about the characteristics, advantages, types of buyers, and also some of the business uses associated with Very Light Jets (VLJ’s).

Visual Aid: Power Point Presentation, Pictures on Power point, Bar Graph

I. Characteristics of VLJ’s

A. Dan Breitman, vice president of Mississauga operations and turbofan development for Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. claims:

“These new VLJs can hit about 5,000 airports…When you take a five- or six-hour trip and shave that to three hours, or turn a two-day trip into a one-day, you're really adding value. This is what VLJs are going to do. They're going to change the way people think about travel" (Brown 24-29).

B. Weight and Engine Power
1. Weight
a. Weight is 6,500 pounds unfueled (Brown 24-29).
b. Most jets weigh in at least 10,000 (Brown 24-29).
2. Engine Power
a. VLJ’s generate 1,460 pounds of thrust (Brown 24-29).
b. This is equivalent to 390 miles per hour (Brown 24-29).
3. Materials
a. VLJ’s are made of composite materials and epoxy.
b. According to Pierre Harter, director of advanced structures for
manufacturer Adam Aircraft Inc. in Englewood, Colo. composite materials and
“…Eliminate scores of metal parts and hundreds or even thousands of bolts, rivets,
and welds. This reduces labor costs” (Brown 24-29).

C. Fuel Economy and Flight Altitude
1. Fuel economy
a. Fuel Economy is 1,300 miles or about halfway across the nation without
refueling a VLJ (Brown 24-29).
2. Flight Altitude
a. VLJ’s have capability to fly above weather at 14,000 feet (Brown 24-29).
b. This is comparable to airliners as well.

D. Comparisons
1. The VLJ weighs less than a turbine engine (Brown, Ebscohost online 24-29).
*Reference to picture from (Microsoft Office Power Point 2003).

2. Also, Brown compared the VLJ to weighing less than a sports car (24-29).
*Reference to picture from (Microsoft Office Power Point 2003).

E. Models
1. Future VLJ Models include several aircraft companies.
a. DayJet Corporation is pricing their model at $1.5 million and utilizing the
Eclipse 500 model.
b. Cessna is pricing their model at $2.5 million and their model will be named
Citation Mustang.
c. Honda will use the HondaJet and is pricing at upwards to $3.6 million.
d. Embraer will use the model Phenom 100.
2. Cost of a business jet is around $6 million (Brown 24-29).

F. Visual Aid= Graph of data from point D1-2 above.

II. Advantages of Very Light Jets

A. There is an advantage over airliners and jets regarding airspace.
1. According to David Hughes in Aviation Week & Space Technology:
“the FAA instituted Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM)” and “doubled the
number of flight levels available as separation was reduced to 1,000 ft. from 2,000
ft” (77).
2. This means that there will be a lower number of VLJ’s in airliners’ airspace.

B. There is an advantage in relation to takeoff distance as opposed to airliners and jets.
1. The VLJ’s utilize 3,000 feet of takeoff distance. At Chicago Midway International
Airport the longest runway 31C is at 7,846 feet. That is more than half of the runway
that is unnecessary in departures.
2. Brown also claims that economy and technology will attribute to its success.

C. There is an advantage over the status quo in costs.
1. According to Aviation Week & Space Technology:

“Luiz Sergio Chiessi, Embraer’s vice president for airline market intelligence, says
that the availability of low-cost avionics in the light/very light bizjet segment will
drive down the price of avionics on future regional jet projects” (Wall, Taverna 46).

III. Types of Buyers

A. According to Hughes in Aviation Week & Space Technology, 4 types of buyers include 4 categories.
1. “Existing operators of bizjets and general aviation aircraft” are one segment of the
market (Hughes 77).
2. “Concept" buyers who never before owned an aircraft” are also another market
segment (Hughes 77).
3. “Military and government customers” are listed (Hughes 77).
4. “Fractional operators” are listed as well (Hughes 77).
5. “Air taxi/air charter operators” are the last segment (Hughes 77).

IV. Uses of Very Light Jets

A. General Uses
1. Air Taxis to serve between non-commercial airports and are based on demand.
2. CEO’s could use them for convenience purposes, since they have the means to buy a
VLJ for themselves.
3. Business Purposes- Sales/Lease Agreements are useful ways to own an aircraft
without some of the hassles.

B. Approach DayJet offers
1. Day Jet offers seats on a “Per-seat-on-demand” Approach (“Business: A new
operating system” 74).
a. There is no schedule.
b. You choose your time of departure and arrival at the destination.
c. Fares are based on your flexibility.
d. Departure times are released the day before travel (“Business: A new
operating system” 74).

C. Sales/Leaseback Approach Linear Air offers is listed below.
1. The Wall Street Journal included testimony from William Herp, President and chief
executive of Linear Air (founded 2004).
a. Encourages people to buy then lease VLJ’s to Linear Air.
b. Herp explains, “The buyers would receive income from the lease and a sizable
tax benefit from the plane's depreciation, plus the ego boost from saying they
own a jet” (Covel B4).
2. Advantages:
a. No high-interest loans for Linear Air but access to planes.
b. Returning customer base.
3. Benefits small businesses and “could work for entrepreneurs who need capital but
don't want to sell equity or take on debt” (Covel B4).

V. Review

A. Characteristics of VLJ’s.
B. Advantages VLJ’s offer as opposed to airliners.
C. Types of Buyers in the VLJ market.
D. Uses of the VLJ in Business markets.

VI. Conclusion

A. When you are stuck in the airport waiting for a flight, you could be avoiding lines, security, and quickly getting to your destination by traveling on a Very Light Jet sometime in the near future.

B. Quote from introduction:

Dan Breitman, vice president of Mississauga operations and turbofan development for Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. claims:

“These new VLJs can hit about 5,000 airports…When you take a five- or six-hour trip and shave that to three hours, or turn a two-day trip into a one-day, you're really adding value. This is what VLJs are going to do. They're going to change the way people think about travel" (Brown 24-29).


Brown, A. (2007). Very Light and Fast. Mechanical Engineering, 129(1), 24-29.
Retrieved November 5, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document
ID: 1192854561).

Brown, A. (2007). Very Light and Fast. Mechanical Engineering, 129(1), 24-29.
Retrieved November 6, 2007, from EBSCOhost Online database. (Document
ISSN: 0025-6501).

Business: A new operating system; Aviation. (2007, May). The
Economist, 383(8528), 74. Retrieved November 5, 2007, from ABI/INFORM
Global database. (Document ID: 1269216371).

Covel, S. (2007, July 30). Small Business Link: Lease Deal Helps Plane Expansion Take
Off; Linear Air Raises Money by Tapping Alternative Lenders: the Company's Future
Customers. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. B.4. Retrieved November 5, 2007,
from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1311978651).

Hughes, D. (2006, April). The VLJs Are Coming. Aviation Week & Space
Technology, 164(17), 77. Retrieved November 5, 2007, from ABI/INFORM
Global database. (Document ID: 1028587811).

Reed, D. (2007, January). Travelers could see fewer hassles in the new year;
Airplanes: Very light jets make convenient arrival. USA Today, p. 5B. Retrieved
November 2, 2007 from LexisNexis Academic database.

Wall, R., Taverna, M. (2007, May). Change Agent: VLJs Could Change
Supplier Relations :Low-cost VLJs could alter relationship between large aircraft makers
and suppliers. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 166(19), 46. Retrieved November 2,
2007, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1286080511).

Stem Cell Research

Attention Getter:
Video of Michael J Fox

I’m sure everyone knows that is Michael J Fox, best known for his starring roles in the back to the future trilogy and spin city. Unfortunately, over half a million people in the United States including Michael are living with a crippling neurological disease, called Parkinson’s. there are also over 50,000 cases reported annually. The disease continues year to year with no cure and almost no hope for patients diagnosed with the disease.

Preview Statement. Today, I will be telling you about exactly what Parkinson’s disease is, the
symptoms and current treatments of it, as well as advocating for stem cell research as an alternative method to treating neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s.

Transition 1: many people without a family member or friend with the disease is unsure exactly how it affects and destroys a person’s quality of life. Because of this, I would like to first talk about the disease itself.


According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, Parkinson's disease is “a progressive neurological disorder that results from degeneration of neurons in a region of the brain that controls movement.” Basically, the degeneration creates a shortage of the brain signaling chemical known as dopamine. It has formally been around since a London doctor in 1817 studied what he called a “shaking palsy” disease. Experts say it is possible for the disease to have been around for a few thousand years.

A. Symptoms?
According to the National Parkinson Foundation, Often the first symptom of Parkinson's disease is tremor of a limb, especially when the body is at rest. The tremor often begins only one side of the body, most commonly in one hand. Other, less common symptoms initially include slowed body movement, rigidity, especially in a patients legs, and a bent posture. People with Parkinson's disease often show reduced facial expressions and speak in a soft voice. Unfortunately, the symptoms worsen over time, which causes depression in some, sleep problems and even dementia.
There are many different arguments as to what causes Parkinson’s disease. Although none are proven completely yet, there are some different theories. Of course, the first is that the disease can be inherited through a chromosome 4 gene from family members. The more accepted theory according to a June, 2006 WebMD.com article “the prevailing theory among most doctors held that one or more environmental factors cause the disease. Parkinson's-like symptoms have been described in people who have taken an illegal drug contaminated with the chemical MPTP.“

B. Treatments?
Currently, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. Many patients are only mildly affected and need no treatment for several years after the initial diagnosis. When symptoms worsen, doctors generally prescribe drugs that replace the dopamine lost in the brain. Surgery, is also an option, albeit a risky one, when symptoms grow severe. Researchers are working to identify substances that can prevent these dopamine brain cells from dying.

Transition 2: As you can see, this is a growing problem in today’s society. Because there really is no decent treatment available for the drug, I will now go into some detail about stem cell research and how it can be used to help millions of sufferers around the nation.

II. What are Stem cells?
According to the international society for stem cell research, stem cells are foundation cells for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Stem cells are "blank" cells that do not yet have a specific function. Additionally, stem cells are self-sustaining and can replicate themselves for long periods of time. All human beings start their lives from a single cell, called the zygote. The zygote divides and forms two cells; each of those cells divides again, and so on. Eventually, the blastocyst is formed. It has two types of cells in it, one being the inner cell mass.
According to the Alliance For Stem Cell Research: Embryonic stem cells are the cells that make up the inner cell mass.
Adult stem cells are found in tissues that have already developed, in animals or humans after birth. The most common place to obtain these cells is from the bone marrow.

A. How can they be used to treat neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s
Most of the body's cells cannot be replaced by natural processes if they are seriously damaged or diseased. Stem cells can be used to generate healthy and functioning specialized cells, which can then replace diseased or dysfunctional cells.
For example, in Parkinson's disease, stem cells may be used to form a special kind of nerve cell, a kind that secretes dopamine, reversing the process that has been destroyed by the disease itself. According to a medicalnewstoday.com October 2007 article, one woman who could not stand and dress herself due to symptoms from Parkinson’s received stem cell therapy in China and within 6 months was able to ride a bicycle again.
The most promising use of stem cells is due to their ability to serve as a potential source of replacement cells to treat numerous diseases. Basically, any disease in which there is tissue degeneration can possibly use stem cell therapies. Some other major diseases include Alzheimer’s, spinal cord injuries, strokes and heart disease.
This provides the hope that one day such cells can produce the cells or tissues to grow entire hearts, liver and even kidneys, thus solving the problem of the shortfall of organ donor

B. How we can make a difference in the lives of Parkinson’s sufferers
Make a gift by mail to:National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.Office of Development1501 NW 9th Avenue/Bob Hope RoadBob Hope RoadMiami, Florida 33136-1494
Make a gift by phone:1-800-327-4545 (toll-free in the U.S.)
To reach us by e-mail:contact@parkinson.org
Conclusion: As the website banner for the National Parkinson Foundation says, “knowledge is power.” Today I have discussed what Parkinson’s disease is, its current treatments and the advantages to supporting stem cell research for it. I hope this has intrigued everyone to become more concerned with stem cell research and will hopefully have the public change from a “it’s not my problem” issue, to an “I can make a difference” issue. Thanks


"About Parkinson's ." National Parkinson Foundation. 2007. National Parkinson Foundation. 3 Nov 2007 http://www.parkinson.org/NETCOMMUNITY/Page.aspx?pid=225&srcid=201.

"Parkinson's Disease." About Stem Cell Research. 2006. Alliance For Stem Cell Research. 4 Nov 2007 http://www.curesforcalifornia.com/page.php?id=108.

"NINDS Parkinson's Disease Information Page." Disorders. 19 October 2007. National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke. 5 Nov 2007

"American And European Parkinson's Sufferers Find Chinese Stem Cell Treatment Effective, Proving Western Debates Moot." Parkinson Disease and News. 09 October 2007. Medical News Today. 6 Nov 2007 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/84908.php.

"Frequently Asked Questions." What Are Stem Cells?. 17 September 2004. International Society for Stem Cell Research. 6 Nov 2007 http://www.isscr.org/science/faq.htm.

"Stem Cell Basics." 06 October 2007. National Institute of Health. 5 Nov 2007 http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics2.asp.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Persuasive Speech - Recycling

Persuasive Speech – recycling


  • Attention getter – How many people read a paper on a daily bases? How many people throw it in the trash can when they are done? How many people drink some sort of bottled drink throughout the day? How many of those people throw it in the trash can when they are done?
  • Relativity – There in lays the problem. Too many people do not recycle and it is slowly killing this Earth we call home. When you are at your house or apartment or dorm do you take your trash and just throw it on the floor when finished? Well that is essentially what we are doing when we chose not to recycle.
  • Today I’ll bring to the forefront the problem we face with trash buildup on our Earth, how recycling helps and what it does, and what we can do to help.


1. We face a large problem with trash build up on our Earth.

§ John Calhoun, co-owner of Custom Polymers Inc., states in his May 21st 2007 article “Solving the problem of supply vs. demand;
Weary of the short shrift, plastics recyclers work to raise awareness, collection” that recycling in the United States used to be near 40%.

§ Not only in the US. SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) stated in a July 24th 2007 article “War on Waste” that Scotland has increased their landfill capacity by 22 million tones in the just the past year. An increase of 15% over last year. In a May 30th 2007 article from The Evening Standard (London) “'Rising' landfill could cost London Pounds 1.7bn in fines from Europe” the Environmental Agency shows that landfill waste over the paste two years has risen from 6.2 to 7.7 million tons which could cost them a fine of 1.7 billion pounds. About equal to 3.5 billion American dollars.

§ On a smaller scale, the availability of recycling opportunities at Purdue University. Recycling bins and recycling pick up.

Transition: With the increase in landfills we need to recycle.

2. Recycling is more than just not throwing recyclable goods in the trash. It’s more than throwing recyclable goods in plastic bin. There is a lot that goes into recycling.

§ Recycling is a very technically detailed process. According to a University of Oregon Article about “What Happens When You Recycle” we can take a look at the technical process behind a lot of common household recyclable goods.

§ Some common goods include newspaper, cardboard, aluminum, steel cans, glass, motor oil, and plastics.

§ Let’s take a closer look at two that we mentioned earlier newspaper and plastics.

§ Newspaper goes through a chemical process that separates the paper fibers from the ink. After becoming pulp, washed, and going through several sets of cleaning screens the fibers are flattened and dried to be reused as newspaper.

§ Plastic are shredded, baled, or chipped before they are shipped off to a reprocessing plant. There resins are melted and remolded into new products. For example, flower pots, car parts, toys, drainage pipe, etc.

Transition: I know many of you are thinking, but what am I supposed to do. I’m merely a single college student with no voice.

3. There are various ways we can make a difference.

§ On a large scale we can contact our Congress. Write letters expressing our feelings for a stronger need for recycling. By going to http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ is an easy way to voice your opinion. The website states that it is the easiest way to contact the Congress. There are easy links to figure out who specifically you can address your concern to depending on where you live and boasts that since October 31st 2007 there are 536 email addresses.

§ We can also start at “home” right here at Purdue. We can contact President Cordova or our student council. We need to bring to their attention this same information and our concern. Purdue’s homepage, www.purdue.edu, has a drop down tab labeled “meet the president.” There president Cordova invites anyone with ideas or concern to send her their comment in an attached section at the bottom of the page.

§ We need to show that recycling bins and pick-ups should be alongside every garbage can on campus. I don’t want to blame the lack of recycling on you, because there is a lack of opportunity. But I WILL blame a lack of change on the amount we recycle on you. We all need to take a stand for what we believe is right. For what we know is right.


4. Review statement: I hope you have a deeper appreciation for the troubles that face us with an increase in the landfills all over the world. Also, I hope I have explained clearly how recycling helps the re-use of goods and how we CAN make a difference for the future.

5. Attention getter: I hope you don’t sit by and watch our Earth turn into a ball of trash. Stand up for what you know is right. Voice your opinion. And let your actions speak louder than your words. Next time you pick up that Exponent or take a drink out of that bottle, make a conscious effort to find a recycling bin, not a trash can.


Cabanela, Juan. (2007, October 31.) Contacting the Congress. Retrieved November 3, 2007, from http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/.

Calhoun, John. (2007, May 21). Solving the problem of supply vs. demand;
Weary of the short shrift, plastics recyclers work to raise awareness, collection
. Retrieved November 2, 2007, from http://www2.lib.purdue.edu:2116/us/lnacademic/auth/checkbrowser.do?ipcounter=1&cookieState=0&rand=0.716820513213289&bhcp=1.

Facilities Services. (2001, May 9). What happens when you recycle. Retrieved November 3, 2007, from http://www.uoregon.edu/~recycle/Factoids_whatHappens_facts.htm.

Purdue University. (2007). Meet the President; Contact Dr. Cordova. Retrieved November 4, 2007, from http://www.purdue.edu/president/contact/index.html.

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, July 24). War on Waste: 22m tonnes of rubbish a year - and rising. Retrieved November 2, 2007, from http://www2.lib.purdue.edu:2116/us/lnacademic/results/docview/docview.do?risb=21_T2411523681&format=GNBFI&sort=RELEVANCE&startDocNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T2411523694&cisb=22_T2411523693&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=146174&docNo=4.

The Evening Standard (London). (2007, May 30). 'Rising' landfill could cost London Pounds 1.7bn in fines from Europe. Retrieved November 3, 2007, from http://www2.lib.purdue.edu:2116/us/lnacademic/results/docview/docview.do?risb=21_T2411537233&format=GNBFI&sort=RELEVANCE&startDocNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T2411537238&cisb=22_T2411537237&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=138528&docNo=1.

Airport spas

Attention Getter: Have you ever been going on vacation and had your flight delayed or know of someone else who has? Most likely you have because according to KCCI, an Iowa news station, 24% of all flights are either delayed or cancelled. I know through personal experience that delayed flights are not only stressful but the whole airport atmosphere can make you feel as if you’re not even going on vacation. Now I wish I had a brilliant solution to make sure that every flight is on time, but let’s face it, there are just too many factors that affect flying. I think airports are doing as well as they can right now. What I am going to propose however is a way of dealing with the stress and chaos that is related to delayed flights. The answer is airport spas.
Preview Statement: So first I’ll explain what services airport spas provide, then give you reasons why people would utilize them, and last let you know what is already being done.

I. XpresSpa is an innovative spa company that started opening spas in airport terminals. So first let’s look at what services these airport spas provide.
a. They have many services that help stressed travelers relax before, in between, or after their flights.
b. Most of their locations provide but are not limited to massages, nail care, and skin care.
i. The massages include back massages, stress and tension eliminators, deep tissue body massages, foot massages, hand and arm massages, and a massage lounger.
1. According to the XpresSpa website, the prices range from $18 – 150 depending upon the type of massage and the duration.
2. The time lengths of message sessions include anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes depending on how much time you have to spare.
ii. The nail care services include manicures and pedicures with special services including French finishes and change of polish.
1. For manicures prices range from $25-75.
2. For pedicures prices range from $40-80.
iii. The skin care services include eye treatment and different types of facials.
1. The facials include deep cleansing seaweed, collagen hydrating masks, and exfoliating papaya masks.
2. The prices range from $30-100 depending on the type of facial treatment and the duration.
Transition: Now you know what services XpresSpas in airports provide. Next I’ll explain some reasons for their use.
II. According to the American Institute of Stress, 40% of people say that their occupations are stressful. And The National Business Travel Association stated that one in every four businessmen fly at least five times a year.
a. So if a stressful job isn’t tough enough, flying doesn’t make it any easier.
b. Airport spas can provide stress relief for these types of flyers.
i. Not only can they get massages to relax but some spas offer hair cuts as well.
1. These can be very convenient to businessmen since they don’t have much time in their busy schedules.
2. They can just go to the spa for a quick trim.
c. Now you don’t have to be a businessman to take advantage of these services. You don’t even have to be a first-class passenger because we all know that flying can be just as stressful for any traveler.
i. The spas provide many opportunities for any traveler to relieve their stress about flying.
ii. Maybe if you’re nervous about flying a message right before you’re flight could help ease that tension.
iii. Or maybe you’re flight has been delayed or cancelled. What better way to spend your time than being pampered, especially when it’s relatively inexpensive?
Transition: These are only a few reasons why airport spas can be helpful and I’m sure you can think of even more. So let’s take a look at what is already out there.
III. According to the Spa Index many major airports already have an XpresSpa.
a. Boston Logan Int’l Airport has one by Terminal C.
b. Cancun Int’l Airport has two, one at both Terminal 2 and 3.
c. JFK International Airport has three with two more on the way. Its spas even offer express options.
d. Pittsburg International Airport has two, one at both Concourse A and B.
e. The airports that are near us also have spa treatments.
i. Chicago O’Hare International Airport has a Backrub Hub in Terminal 3.
ii. Indianapolis International Airport has a Passport Travel Spa near the Food Court that provides nail care, beauty products, hair styling, and chair messages.
Now you understand that spas provide many services to the airport, can be very useful and convenient, and many major airports already have them. Recall that 24% of flights are either delayed or cancelled, which ultimately causes a stressful environment for most or all travelers. Hopefully this fact alone is a valid enough reason for you to realize why so many more airports are emerging with spas and why airports that do not have spas should highly consider putting a spa in. In the future when you travel, make sure you keep in mind that there will probably be a spa so just take advantage of these services and relax.

Works Cited
"Airport Spa Kiosks and Lounges." Spa Index. 21 Aug. 2002. 4 Nov. 2007 .
Brown, Anitra. "Airport Spas in U.S. and Canada." Airport Spas. 2007. About.Com. 4 Nov. 2007 .
"Statistics Show Flight Delays Getting Worse." 30 Aug. 2007. KCCI.Com. 4 Nov. 2007 .
"Travel to Wellness." Airport Spas. 2007. 4 Nov. 2007 .
Tsui, Bonnie. "Airport Spas Relieve Terminal Boredom." 29 Dec. 2004. The Boston Globe. 04 Nov. 2007 .
"XpresSpa." XpresSpa Airport Spa, Message, Manicure, Pedicure, Facials, Waxing. 2007. 4 Nov. 2007 .

Persuasive Speech

Image, I know it’s going to be tough, but imagine you are just exhausted completely spent. You’ve been working on a huge project for work. You’ve been in early, working late everyday for like a month. Also, you take home work to do on the weekends. Finally, the project is over and the board as approved it. You’re relieved and overjoyed you call the family and tell them you’re going to take everyone on that vacation you were supposed to take two weeks ago. However, on the way home you fall asleep behind the wheel. Your car swerves into the other lane you hit another car. The family in that car dies and you’re sent to jail. Ok I’ll admit that this is a worst case scenario but never the less this could happen. And believe it or not it’s all because you couldn’t take that vacation you promised the family.
1) What the problem is
2) What it does to your body
3) How it can affect your work
4) How to solve this problem
If this does not prove to you that American corporations are behind in the well being of employees and the operations of their company. Look at this on average Americans get 19 paid days off, however, in European countries they get more days off (France 31 days). So let me ask you this in closing if we have the least amount of days off in the advanced countries. Are we not possibly doing something wrong that everyone else knows already?

Work Citied
Hatchitt, Ann . "Taking a vacation benefits employees, employers." Austin Business Journal (2002). 2 Nov. 2007 .
MayoClinic.com. 22 June 2007. 2 Nov. 2007 .
Ravn, Karen . "In the U.S., all work and not much paid play; ." Los Angeles Times 16 July 2007: F9.
Ravn, Karen . "Take vacations to heart; Do we really need someone to tell us that time away is good for us? Apparently so." Los Angeles Times 16 July 2007: F1. Academic. LexisNexis. Purdue. 2 Nov. 2007 .

Sahadi, Jeanne . "A page from the burnout chronicles." CNNMoney.com . 24 May 2006. 2 Nov. 2007 .
"Vacation is an Essential Element of Any Job - Do You Get Enough?." Jobs.net. 2007. 2 Nov. 2007 .

Friday, November 2, 2007

Persuasive Speech Outline

Stewart Turner
Com 315 Outline
Presentation due September 21

The Effects of Fast Food and Why You Should Stop Eating It

We’ve all had that urge to just go out to a fast food restaurant and eat enormous amounts of fried foods for less than five bucks. It can easily become habit to go get a tasty cheap meal. (slide) McDonald’s, KFC, Wendy’s, White Castle, Taco Bell, Chipoltle, Mad Mushroom Pizza, and the list goes on. They all sound like a cheap delicious way to just relax and eat lots of good tasting food, but as most of you know, there’s a down side to choosing the fast food restaurant. (slide) You’ve all heard that eating fast food is not good for you, but I’m going to tell you specifically what this “fast food” is doing to your body, why it is we get “cravings”, and what we can do to avoid these quick, delicious, and yet extremely harmful foods. (slide)

1. First, let me now explain the problem with eating fast foods.
- Let’s start with an example food: the medium French fry from McDonalds (slide)
- This data coming from the mcdonalds.com website, the ave. person 2,000 calorie diet, 380 in one of these (slide)
- so you’re healthy today and decide to get the Filet-O-Fish value meal with a medium fry and a medium coke. (slide)
- Just like you fuel your car with gasoline, you fuel your body with calories
- Would you rather fill up with premium or regular unleaded?
- The difference between a car and you body is your body actually becomes a better machine while car just runs a little better.
- The definition of a calorie is a “unit of quantity of heat or food energy” (slide)
- The simple equation is CALORIE INTAKE = CALORIES BURNED… then no weight is gained. If CALORIE INTAKE > CALORIES BURNED, then you will gain weight.
- This extra energy is stored in the form of fat, and it is in fact what hibernating animals do before winter for energy to fuel vital organs. So not all fat is bad but…
- An article in Obesity, Fitness and Wellness Week says this about high-fat foods “High-fat foods are the most concentrated sources of calories, and fast food, or any fried foods, have lots of fats…”
- These are called empty calories
- Empty because they’re composed of mostly fats, sugars, and salt… nothing of real value to your body.
- We ingest calories, or energy, our body breaks the calories down and produces glucose... our body’s fuel
- large amounts of calories in the form of fats and sugars ingested at once spike glucose levels for a short time leaving the person hungry in a short time
- similar to a caffeine spike
- FDA food pyramid (slide)
- Karen Johnson, a medical nutritionist puts it simply like this, “All fast foods are too high in all the nutrients we should limit and are too low in the nutrients our diets should be rich in.”
Transition: So we’ve found out that there’s nothing of real value in eating these high fat, high sugar, and highly salty foods. Then why do we have these “cravings” or strong desires to eat them? I’ll tell you why.

2. For centuries, we’ve not had such easy access to these types of foods. (slide)
- You see, fats, sugars, and salts are nature’s way of telling us that this food is good to eat.
- The human’s brain chemistry has been that way for thousands of years.
- Until recently with fast food restaurants, fats, sugars, and salts were hard to come by
- In the past, if one didn’t gorge on a single meal, this might have meant starvation in a week or two.
- Along with thousands of years of evolution telling us that these are good foods to eat, we have fast food industries spending fortunes to get us to act on these natural urges.
- McDonalds spent $600 million in advertising
- According to Consumersunion.org, the top-selling fast food restaurants spent $2.3 billion back in 2004.
- This is why we want that Taco Bell after taking a physics exam even if we know it’s not good for us
Transition: So what can we do to fight back at our own brain chemistry and this barrage of advertising?

3. If you haven’t already started a healthy diet, just take it one meal at a time.
- Here are some helpful tips that can help us avoid the fast food trap.
- Eat before you get hungry to prevent being tempted
- Eat breakfast every morning
- A 2007 article in the Health section of the South China Morning Post says this:“Breakfast literally means "breaking the fast". After between eight and 12 hours without a meal, our body needs to be refuelled with glucose, which comes from food.”
- ex. say you walk to school in the morning without eating breakfast, I personally would be passing within one block of 8 major fast food chains
- this means I could be eating fast food within 5 minutes at any point of my walk to and from class. Hence the name fast food.
- have healthy options like fruits and vegetables readily available like in front of your refrigerator or cupboard.
- According to a 2007 article in New Straits Times… fruits, proteins through lean meats, greens, and water are the key to feeling full and getting the most out of your diet.
- make healthy food convenient for you
- ex. Apples, bananas, protein bars and preparing food ahead of time or the night before
- drink water! Sometimes the brain confuses thirst with hunger!
- finally, just have an awareness of the food that you’re putting in your body!
- as Ricky said in his E. Coli presentation You are what you eat. (slide)

Final transition to conclusion: “In closing, you now know the harms of fast food, why we get these urges to eat fast food, and what we can do to make better food choices.”
- Fast foods are full of fats, sugars, and salts that act as empty calories, not providing any vitamins, minerals, proteins, or good carbohydrates.
- Fast food companies spend billions to get us to act on natural urges to load up on fats and sugars.
- A little bit of planning as well as an awareness of the food we eat is a necessity to getting past fast food joints.
Closing statement: “So when you leave today and get that “craving” for fast food, keep these tips in mind and reap the benefits of a healthy diet. Thank you”

Works Cited

Chan, Wynnie “Breakfast Benefits.” South China Morning Post 8 March 2007. LexisNexis. Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN. 2 November 2007 http://www2.lib.purdue.edu:2116/us/lnacademic/results/docview/docview.do?risb=21_T2406968709&format=GNBFI&sort=RELEVANCE&startDocNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T2406968712&cisb=22_T2406968711&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=11314&docNo=2

“Make Healthy Eating a Pleasure.” New Straits Times 13 May 2007. LOCAL pg. 42. LexisNexis. Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN. 2 November 2007
“McDonald's USA Nutrition Facts for Popular Menu Items.” Mcdonalds.com 5 January 2007. 31 October 2007 < http://www.mcdonalds.com/app_controller.nutrition.index1.html>

“New Report Shows Food Industry Advertising Overwhelms Government’s “5 A Day” Campaign to Fight Obesity and Promote Healthy Eating.” Consumersunion.org 13 September 2005. 2 October 2007

United States Food and Drug Administration “Food Pyramid” 2 November 2007. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uwm.edu/People/mcbair/pyramid.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.uwm.edu/People/mcbair/&h=466&w=600&sz=37&tbnid=ApRd0iig7PGYFM:&tbnh=105&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfda%2Bfood%2Bpyramid%26um%3D1&start=1&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image&cd=1

“Weight Gain; How to Avoid the ‘Freshman 15,’ and Why It Gets Packed on in the First Place.” Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week 1 September 2007. EXPANDED REPORTING; Pg. 285. LexisNexis. Purdue University Libraries, West Lafayette, IN. 2 November 2007

Space Debris


How many of you watch TV, talk on a phone, or would like for your kids to be able to go to space in 30 years? With increasing amounts of space debris it is making it harder and harder for satellites and manned missions to orbit earth to continue to be feasible. This 1mm crack in a space shuttles windshield was created by a piece of space debris 100 microns in size. A ten-centimeter long piece of space trash can cause as much damage as twenty-five sticks of dynamite.(NASA) I am going to talk to you about how much there is, how it gets made, and what we can do about it.

Main points:

1. Thousands of rocket launches since the dawn of the Space Age in 1957 have left a growing amount of orbiting debris that may badly hamper future launches into space.

What is the space junk made up of.

3. What is being done about space debris.

4. What you can do about space debris.


What can you do about all this space debris contact your local space program authority(NASA) and tell them you would like your children to someday possibly visit Mars or at the very least to be able to continue to watch TV. Once space is polluted it's too late and I wouldn't dare go up there.

Work Citied:

Tanner, Adam (2001) Expers Warn: Earth Orbit full of Space Junk. Retrieved 10/29/07 from: http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/missions/space_junk_germany_010320_wg.html

Broad, William(2007) NASA Forced to Steer Clear of Junk in Cluttered Space. Retrieved 10/29/07 from:


StarChild Team (2000) StarChild Question of the Month for June 2000. Retrieved 10/29/07 from: http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question22.html

(2004) Terminator Tether –EDT solution To Space Debris Update Retrieved 10/29/07 from: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=264

(2006) Watch the Skies- For Junk. Retrieved 10/29/07 from: http://discovermagazine.com/2006/jun/spacejunk

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Bioengineered Food

INTRODUCTION: 15 million. That’s equivalent to about 1 in 20 Americans today. 15 million is the number of children that are going to die this year, almost chiefly due to malnutrition and hunger. A statistic from care.org states that over 6 of those 15 million are children under the age of 5.
THESIS: To address this problem, I first need to define the problem of world hunger, then I’ll tell you about bioengineered food, and finally how bioengineered food can be used as a solution for the problem.


I. Firstly, I’ll discuss the problem.
a. World hunger is rampant
i. Care.org states that 54 nations do not produce enough food to feed themselves, and cannot afford to import the food they need, despite the fact that they have the potential to grow it. Droughts, conflicts, and other events are partly responsible for this.
ii. According to library.thinkquest.org, nearly half the world lives on less than $2 a day.
b. Food that is out there in the world isn’t always good quality.
i. Not all the food is producing the necessary vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
ii. Also, there is not a large variety available to everyone. Many farmers in the world are still relying on subsistence farming, meaning they only farm enough to survive. Not a lot of variety stems from this type of farming. It may not be possible for the people to get the vitamins, minerals, or other necessary elements that they need from their food.

Transition: Now that you know the problem, I’ll tell you about bioengineered food.

II. Here are some facts about bioengineered food.
a. Bioengineered food is made by inserting foreign genes into the genetic codes of the food. This is known as recombining DNA.
b. According to an article from American.edu, bioengineered food makes up about 60% of produce today, at least to some degree.
c. Howstuffworks.com lists off some common foods that are produced via recombining DNA as tomatoes, potatoes, squash, corn, and soybeans.
d. There are some concerns about bioengineered food
i. Allergic reactions are theoretically possible, such as when peanut genes are injected elsewhere. If someone is allergic to peanuts, they could feasibly have a reaction to the food.
ii. By recombining DNA, there may be unexpected and potentially harmful genetic changes that can occur.

Transition: There are some risks with bioengineered food, but now I’ll tell you how you it can be used for our advantage.

III. Bioengineered food has many advantages for the world.
a. According to an article by Michael Schriber of Foxnews.com, there is a strain of bioengineered corn that can more effectively be broken down so that it can be used in the production of ethanol. That means gas prices would eventually go down because the process would be faster and cheaper.
b. A future advantage of bioengineering food is that it will be possible to create food without the assistance of the animals themselves. An article by Robert Britt of space.com, explains how strips of goldfish meat were cut away from the fish and then grown afterwards. The chunks of fish meat were quickly washed in alcohol and submerged in fetal bovine serum. The serum was taken from the blood of unborn calves. One week gave a 14% increase in size of the fish meat. The process may not be tasteful and the results weren’t extraordinary, but there is the potential for artificially created food to appear at the dinner table.
c. It’s important to understand that the food itself has many advantages
i. The food that’s created is more nutritious. It contains important things that are not present already.
ii. Recombining the DNA also can make the food taste better.
iii. Another advantage is that the food can grow faster and will use fewer pesticides.
iv. The food will also be cheaper and will have longer shelf lives.
d. A 2002 article by Rick Blizzard from Gallup.com, states that 30% of Americans try to actively avoid eating bioengineered food. 52% of Americans supported using bioengineered food in 2001. In the same poll, 30% of Americans believed that using bioengineered food posed a significant health hazard.

CONCLUSION: Hunger in the world is a major problem and bioengineered food is the start to the solution. Dozens of people have died from starvation while I’ve been up here talking. To do your part, you need to support bioengineered food whenever possible. Buy bioengineered food at the store. Support the production and research of bioengineered food whenever possible. The food is cheaper, faster, healthier, and has a longer shelf life and it could be the difference between life and death for the 15 million children at risk this year.

Works Cited:

“The world hunger problem: Facts, Figures, and Statistics”. Library.thinkquest.org. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://library.thinkquest.org/C002291/high/present/stats.htm

“Facts about hunger”. Care.org. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://www.care.org/campaigns/world-hunger/facts.asp

“Genetically Engineered Food”. HowStuffWorks.com. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://healthguide.howstuffworks.com/genetically-engineered-foods-dictionary.htm

“Ted Case Studies”. American.edu. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from www.american.edu/TED/dolly.htm

Schirber, Michael. “”Bioengineered Corn Can Begin Own Fermentation into Ethanol”. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,275057,00.html

Blizzard, Rick. “Bioengineered Food? Sure, If It’s not Fattening” Gallup.com. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://www.gallup.com/poll/6583/Bioengineered-Food-Sure-Its-Fattening.aspx

“Food of the Future: Fish Flesh Grown without the Fish”. Robert Britt. Space.com. Retrieved 31 October 2007 from http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/generalscience/fish_food_020329.html

Cockpit Runway Alert Systems

Cockpit Runway Alert Systems

John Dale


Attention Getter: The date is August 27, 2006. It’s just before 6:00am EST at the Lexington, Kentucky Blue Grass Airport. All of the 47 passengers and 3 crewmembers are on board Comair flight 5191 and ready for a routine flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Among the passengers are a newlywed couple heading out on their honeymoon, a University of Kentucky official and a man from Florida trying to catch an early flight home to see his children. Seven minutes later, the aircraft impacted the ground just west of the airport and 49 of the 50 souls onboard were dead. How could so much life be lost in such a short amount of time? The answer is that the pilots took off from the wrong runway.

Preview Statement: In this presentation I will start off by describing the events that led up to this tragedy , describe an aircraft runway alert system that could keep accidents like this from happening in the future and some ways that you all can help implement this system in the airliners you travel on.

Transition: Let’s start by looking at some of the factors that played a key role in the Comair 5191 accident and others similar to it.


I. According to the NTSB, over the past two decades over 120 aircraft incidents or accidents have occurred because of an aircraft taking off on the wrong runway.

A. The Comair 5191 cockpit voice recorder transcript posted on the NTSB website shows that both pilots had no idea that they were on the wrong runway until it was too late to stop.

1. The pilots were initially cleared to taxi to runway 22, the only runway that had enough length for their aircraft, by the Lexington control tower.

2. The copilot mentioned taxiing to runway 22 three times in the NTSB cockpit voice recorder transcript but the aircraft was stopped by the captain just short of runway 26.

3. The flight data recorder recovered by the NTSB showed that both pilots’ displays showed they were on the wrong runway.

B. There have also been other aircraft accidents and incidents caused by pilots taking aircraft off on the wrong runway.

1. In 1989 two incidents involving Eastern Airlines flight 563 and American Airlines flight 508 at the Houston Hobby airport caused the FAA to order increased signage and preflight taxi cautions for pilots at that airport.

2. There have also been five other major incidents or accidents that the NTSB has investigated where the aircraft took off from the wrong runway and either caused damage or killed people.

3. NASA also offers a service where pilots can anonymously report mistakes they make in order to gather data on why accidents occur and since the program started in 1988 114 turbojet pilots have reported taking off from the wrong runway.

C. In response to all of these runway problems, the NTSB has made three major recommendations.

1. Aircraft should have moving maps displaying the airport in their cockpits.

2. Air traffic controllers should not issue a takeoff clearance until all intersecting runways are crossed.

3. Aircraft should have an automatic system that alerts pilots when they takeoff on the wrong runway.

Transition: The last NTSB solution regarding the implementation of cockpit runway alert systems is what I think would have the best result with alleviating these runway incursions.

II. According the PatentStorm.com Boeing currently has a patent on a alert system that would stop pilots from taking off on the wrong runway.

A. The system works by using the aircraft’s flight management computer to store the position of the correct runway and warns the pilot through an audible horn if the aircraft begins to takeoff at a position that doesn’t correspond to the correct runway.

1. The flight management computer is similar to your PC at home because it allows the user or pilot to input information through a keypad but it is different because it also receives inputs from sensors in the aircraft itself.

2. With the cockpit runway alert system, pilots would input the runway they are cleared to before they move the aircraft and the exact latitude and longitude of the runway stored in the flight management computer’s database would be compared with navigational inputs such as GPS signals that the aircraft receives.

3. With the Boeing designed warning system, if the throttles are increased to where 60%-70% of the engines speed is reached and the sensed position of the aircraft doesn’t meet the flight management computer’s database position for the runway, then a loud horn sounds that alerts the pilots to abort the takeoff until they resolve the situation.

B. The reason the cockpit runway alert system is the best way to alleviate this problem is because it takes a lot of the human error out of the situation.

1. The other two major NTSB recommendations involved controller’s giving clearances and pilots using moving maps to get to the appropriate runway.

2. The cockpit runway alert system would warn pilots even if there isn’t any human interaction with the system before takeoff.

C. I would urge everyone here to contact James Oberstar the chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure committee to consider urging the FAA to implement a rule that requires Part121 airlines to implement cockpit runway alert systems.

1. The address is: Chairman James Oberstar
2165 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4472 Fax: (202) 226-1270

2. You could also contact your local congressman.

Review Statement and Closing:

Review Statement: In this presentation I described the problem of aircraft taking off on the wrong runways, I described an aircraft runway alert system that could keep similar accidents from happening in the future and some ways that you all can help implement this system in the airliners you travel on.

Closing: Keith Madison was a friend of Comair 5191 victim Jon Hooker. Madison had this to say about Hooker and his fiancĂ© dying in the accident on the way to their honeymoon, “It’s so tragic because he was so happy last night. It’s just an incredible turn of events. It’s really painful.” Don’t let a tragedy like this happen again. Let our government know that we demand safe air travel.

Works Cited
"Bombardier CRJ200 Specifications." 31 Oct. 2007 http://www.crj.bombardier.com/CRJ/en/specifications.jsp?langId=en&crjId=200.

"Comair 5191 Summary." NTSB. 31 Oct. 2007 http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief2.asp?ev_id=20060828X01244&ntsbno=DCA06MA064&akey=1.

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 1 Nov. 2007 http://transportation.house.gov/.

"KLEX Airport Diagram." AOPA. 31 Oct. 2007 http://www.aopa.org/members/airports/detail.cfm?airportid=12343.

"Plane Crash Kills 49; Crew Member is Only Survivor." Fox News. 27 Aug. 2006. 31 Oct. 2007 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,210650,00.html.

"Wrong Runway Alert System and Method." Patent Storm. 02 Sept. 2003. 1 Nov. 2007 http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6614397.html.