By: Travis Carpenter
Attention Getter: How many of you use an older CRT monitor? You know, the kind that you sit on your desk that takes up the majority of your workspace?
Introduction: Today I will be talking to you about the importance of upgrading to an LCD monitor for your work environment. I will tell you why LCD screen are better than the older out of date CRT screens, citing health, financial, and energy reasons.
Preview Statement: Extensive research has been done on the subject, and it has been proven that LCD screens are all around better for not only the individual, but also the environment!
Establish Significance: Imagine the desk space that you could save! The eye-strain and headaches that you could avoid! The energy that you could conserve, just by switching to using an LCD screen.
Transition to Body:
Why you should switch to an LCD monitor
1. Save desk space!
2. Go green!
3. Health benefits!
4. Bigger is better!
I. Save desk space!
1. Desk space is precious, especially for college students!
2. An Acer 19” CRT has a depth of 17”, and a weight of 46 pounds
3. An Acer 19” LCD has a depth of 7”, and a weight of 12 pounds
4. LCD monitors can be placed in spots that you would never even dream of putting a CRT monitor
II. Go Green!
1. LCD screens are for more efficient than CRT monitors!
2. A typical 19” CRT monitor can draw up to 160 Watts during use.
3. A typical 19” LCD monitor uses a mere 48 Watts, which is less than a typical light bulb
4. Imagine how much money you would save on your electricity bill by simply switching to an LCD monitor!
III. Health benefits!
1. Reduced eye strain with LCD!
2. As mentioned before, LCD screens are much lighter! Your back will appreciate this when it comes time to relocate!
3. LCD screens do not have the screen flicker so commonly associated with CRT screens. This screen flicker is related to headaches after prolonged use.
IV. Bigger is better!
1. LCD screens sizes are really what they claim to be
2. CRT screen sizes are deceiving
3. Not worth what you pay
Review Statement and Closing: As you can see, LCD screens are clearly the better choice when it comes to display types.
Works Cited
“CRT vs. LCD Monitors: Which is the Best to Buy?.” 30 October 2007
“Tech Tip #005.” 30 October 2007
“LCD vs. CRT.” 30 October 2007.
“CRT vs LC Monitor Comparison Guide.” 30 October 2007
Hedge, Alan. “Ergonomics Considerations of LCD versus CRT Displays.” N/A. N/A (May 2003). 30 October 2007
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