Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Learning A Second Language!

Persuasive Speech I:

Learning A Second Language

By: Diego Estrada

Attention Getter: Have you ever been in a situation in which you were right next to other people who were speaking in different language but you did not comprehend any thing they were saying and you were disappointed because you wish you knew what they were talking about? Did it bother you to know that it was possible that they might have said something about you but you do not know what it was?

Introduction: Hello everyone, my name is Diego Estrada and today I will be talking about the importance of learning a second language, the advantages of knowing Spanish in the U.S. and how knowing a second language gives you Technical Advantage!

Preview Statement: According to “Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers”, a second language can improve your technical skills, grades in math and English, entrance exam scores, and can help you catch the eye of anyone reading your job, college, or graduate school application.

Establish Significance: Think about how many more newspapers and books you could read, movies and TV programs you could understand, websites you could visit, people and places you could really get to know with another language!

Transition to Body:

Why learning a second language is so important:

1. Top 5 Reasons why learning a second language is so important;

2. Top 5 Reasons why learning to speak Spanish in the U.S. is crusial;

3. How to learn a second Lnaguage?


I. Top 5 Reasons why one should learn a second Language:

1. According to the “Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers”, studying a second language improves your grades in math, science and English, and your exam scores!

2. Learning a second language is actually a medical device!

3. A second language will expand your universe!

4. Knowing a second language will transform your travel experience!

5. Knowing how to speak Spanish will enable you to help others!

II. Top 5 Reasons why one should Learn Spanish:

  1. Learning Spanish is necessary to keep pace with popular culture.

2. Learning Spanish is rapidly becoming a business necessity.

3. Spanish Everywhere:

4. Learning Spanish will allow you to appreciate Hispanic cultural contributions.

5. Learning Spanish is fun!

III. How to learn a second language:

There are more than 100 Cultural and international Clubs and organizations that you can join here at Purdue, such as:

Latino Cultural Center LCC

Salsa Club

French Club

Spanish Club

Japanese Club

Asian American Association

Latin Student Union…

Take any of the 11 foreign language courses offered at Purdue:

1. Arabic 7. Japanese

2. Chinese 8. Latin

3. French 9. Portuguese

4. German 10. Russian

5. Greek 11. Spanish

6. Italian

Study Abroad:

Take advantage of all of the opportunities offered here at Purdue.

The easiest way to learn a language is living in a country where everyone speaks that language!

Review Statement and Closing: In conclusion, learning a second language brings a world of opportunities, It helps you succeed in your school work, personal life, Technical Skills, and most important of all it makes you a more intelligent person!

Next time someone speaks in a different language next to you, you will be able to understand whatever it is that they are saying = )

Works Cited

CBS News. (October 28, 2007). Hispanics Now Largest U.S. Minority. Retrieved October 28, 2007 from: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/01/21/national/main537369.shtml

Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers. (2007). Why Learn a Second Language? Retrieved October 27, 2007 from: http://www.ccflt.org/adfl1.htm

Modern Languages, Walla Walla College. (2007). Knowing Other Languages Brings Opportunities. Retrieved October 27, 2007 from: http://www.wwc.edu/academics/departments/modern-languages/why.htm

Population Resource Center. (2004). A Demographic Profile of Hispanics in the U.S. Retrieved October 28, 2007 from: http://www.prcdc.org/summaries/hispanics/hispanics.html

Rosenberg, M. (August 23, 2007). Most Popular Languages. Retrieved October 27,2007 from: http://geography.about.com/od/culturalgeography/a/10languages.htm

U.S. Census Bureau. (July 1, 2006). Hispanic Americans by Numbers. Retrieved October 27, 2001 from: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/hhmcensus1.html


ncapizza said...

I sat in on this speech and it was very interesting the facts that you brought up good job

hallsarah204@gmail.com said...

Learning a foreign language will expand your universe as well as knowing how to speak English (or any other foreign language) will enable you to help others! Here is an article to read: http://bigessaywriter.com/blog/learning-foreign-language-influence-on-your-personality. Thank you for your recommendations!