Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Friday, August 24, 2007


Technology is:

that form of cultural activity and behavior devoted to the transformation of material objects, or to the creation of procedural systems, in order to expand the realm of practical human activities and the rang eof human alternatives.

those material objects, techniques and knowledge that allow human beings to transform and control the inanimate world

a system based on the application of knowledge, mainfested in physical objects and organizational forms, for the attainment of specific goals

a system of rationalized control over large groups of people, events and machines by small groups of technically skilled people operating through organizational hierarchy.

--Lee Trachtman, professor emeritus, Purdue U.

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