Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Aerogel Outline

Aerogel Outline


Attn Getter: No matter what is being created, people are always trying to make it better. Only very rarely are improvements made that are as dramatic as the advances made with Aerogel.

Quick Facts: Weight, insulation and composition of Aerogel.


1. How it is made

a. Extraction process and cooking procedure

b. Cost is $1 per cubic cm

2. NASA’s uses

a. Particle Capture

i. Stardust Spacecraft Mission

b. Insulation of space craft

i. Future insulation of space suits

ii. See also Mars Pathfinder Rover

3. Other potential uses

a. Filter water

b. Insulate clothing

i. Anne Parmenter climbs Everest with Aerogel boots

c. Armor

i. Aerogel withstands blast from 1kg of dynamite


Aerogel is a truly amazing innovation that has the potential to benefit all of humanity in the very near future.

Works Cited:

“Aerogel Photos” http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/photo/aerogel.html 10 September 2007

Aspen Aerogels Inc “Pyrogel” Aspen Aerogels http://www.aerogel.com/products/pdf/Pyrogel_3350_6350_10350_DS.pdf 2007. 10 September 2007

Aspen Aerogels Inc “Spaceloft” Aspen Aerogels http://www.aerogel.com/products/pdf/Spaceloft_3251_6251_9251_DS.pdf 2007. 10 September 2007

Berkley Labs “Thermal Properties of Silica Aerogels” http://fourier.mech.virginia.edu/~microhx/thermalproperties.html 10 September 2007.

Taher, Abul “Scientists hail ‘frozen smoke’ as material that will change the world.” Times Online. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article2284349.ece 19 August 2007. 10 September 2007.

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