Welcome to the class blog of COM 315! This course adderssses the specific challenges involved in communicating complex, technical information to both lay and experienced audiences. Throughout the semester, we will be reading several journal articles relating to how presenters can communicate complex ideas in a clear and understanding way. Students are required to reflect on these articles in the blog, as well as apply the readings to real-world instances.

Calendar of Events

Monday, September 24, 2007

Syllabus change

Just a few notes about class and where we are heading.

1) Your grade on your first speech can be improved--it is weighted with your second speech.

2) I will be travelling with the debate team this weekend (the only time this semester) so we will need to cancel class on Friday. I will give you that class session as a work period to revise your speeches.

3) Speeches start on 10/1 in the same speaking order (if you went first before, you go first again).


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